Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I was chatting with my friend the other day when he asked about my boyfriend. When I informed him that he had broken up with me he replied "his loss, he was quite average looking, you were too hot for him" lol. While that was not the nicest thing to say, it did make me feel a bit better.

Did very poorly last night.... had tacos, drinks, and some pasta salad. I pretty much ate crap yesterday, I did do a pretty good strength work out though. Just got back from 4 miles at the gym. I wanted to do 5 but my stomach was killing me, probaby due to all the crap I ate last night. Just finished a bowl of raisin bran, then I am headed to work. Planning to take Isaac for a long walk in the stroller, get some more cardio in.

I feel the best about my body then I ever have my entire life - it's a great feeling, and I'm looking forward to feeling even better about it. I just bought a new swim suit, and can't wait to take a progress picture in it to compare to my old pictures.... 30 pounds gone forever!!!

My ex that I used to live with asked me to go out for drinks Thursday, we just hung out yesterday. He has a girlfriend (they aren't doing so hot), yet keeps wanting to hang out with me. Whenever we are around each other it's constant flirting all the time (he initiates it). He sits literally right next to me leg to leg arm to arm touching when we sit on the couch. I'm not sure what he's thinking. He needs to cut it out and respect his girlfriend. It's hard to stay away from him though, we have this chemistry that I've never had with anyone - and we both know it, we've talked endlessly about it. But we suck as a couple. To bad. Maybe he'll grow up someday, learn to trust people, learn to love. For now, he is hands down - the most fun person I've ever met :)

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